The day began in glittering light and then fog descended upon the oasis. Syren Sea had spread her quilt of thick air across the heavens. Night crept in shamefully with soft, dark, glowing shoes like an embarrassed offender exposed to her victims. The new year had come.
Let those who have ears to hear, listen: The Jabberwock will be exposed, the dragon will be slain. The battle with the Beast of Seven and Ten is here. That which is done in the darkness will be exposed to the light and extinguished. It will take time, but it has begun.
Some people don't think dragons exist anymore, but they're everywhere. They live within the heart of the American Psyche and the American citizen. The dragons don't always hiss fire now-- at least not in public. Now they wear fancy suits and smile a lot and have great slogans. Dragons are charmers. This makes them all the more difficult to identify and slay.
In the meantime, I'm polishing up my sword while polishing off some champagne. That's the American Way, isn't it? The Lady Joker and The Queen of Diamonds are coming over in a bit. Three is a magic number. Things should get interesting. They say they're ready for dragon-slaying too. I'm gonna need all the help that I can get.
Stay out of harm's way, Cristo. Papa's gonna show you how to fight and win. Just remember what ol' Dr. Jung said:
"Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit."
[ "Bidden or unbidden, God is present."]
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